Spiritual Retreats


Welcome to our 5th Indomitable Prayer Woman Retreat!

Join us for a powerful weekend of spiritual growth and connection at Christwalk in the Valley.

This retreat is designed for women who are ready to deepen their prayer life and strengthen their faith. Come together with like-minded women to learn, pray, and support each other on this journey.

Get ready to be inspired, encouraged, and uplifted as we come together to grow in our relationship with God. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to recharge and renew your spirit. See you there!

What to Expect:

Spiritual Guidance: teaching and reflection to nurture your spiritual growth and guide you towards your divine purpose.

Foundational Teachings: Explore unshakable principles and paths of life that anchor you in your faith journey, equipping you to stand firm amidst life’s challenges and uncertainties.

Intentional Spaces: Find your place of belonging within our retreat setting, where every room resonates with spiritual significance, fostering communal reflection and intentional positioning.

GodImprints Women Pray

Deepening Your Connection with God: Experience the transformative power of prayer at the core of our retreat. Through dedicated time spent in prayer, discover solace, strength, and guidance as you commune with God. Whether in moments of quiet reflection or fervent intercession, prayer will be the cornerstone of your journey towards spiritual empowerment and growth.

Becoming an Indomitable Woman: Embrace your true identity as an Indomitable Woman—planted in fertile soil, bearing fruit abundantly, and thriving in every aspect of life. Cultivate resilience, grace, and unwavering faith as you pursue your dreams, goals, and vision.

Ready to nurture your spiritual well-being?

GodImprints Women Connect

Meals Included:

Daniel Fast breakfast, lunch and dinner. Snack available

Menu: Holistic meal prep

Experience: Come discover the joy and power hidden in the kitchen as we organize and prep our meal

  • Organization skill
  • Prayer strategy
  • Team building